Мощная программа для редактирования звука. Обладает интуитивно понятным интерфейсом, имеет кучу полезных возможностей.
Create WAV files from tapes, vinyl, microphone, mixing deck, etc. Decode MP3 files to WAV, Convert Midi files to WAV, edit, add effects. Features include:- Auto stop timer - stop recording after a preset time - handy if you know the length of a song on tape or vinyl. Record new file or append to existing file. Convert Midi to WAV with CD quality sound. Record Internet Radio Stations. Auto Gain option adjusts during recording to give smooth recorded volume. Select format before recording. Punch In/Out allows area to be selected during playback ready for editing. Play, Stop, Pause, Record Effects - Amplify, Normalize, Echo, Stretch, Fade in/out, Invert, Reverse. Apply effects to all or selected area. Easy adjustment of effects parameters using sliders. Tools - Zoom in/out, Cut/Copy/Paste/Mix, Null signal, Insert silence, Convert format. Three levels of undo/redo.
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Audio Edit v3.6 + Crack / Кряк