Программа Audio Notes Recorder позволяет записывать звук с микрофона или любого другого источника звука и сохранять его в формате: WAV, MP3, OGG Vorbis или EXE. В программу встроен плеер и аудио редактор, имеется поддержка скинов.
This easy to use voice notes program records from microphone and all other sound sources you have with your sound card. There are three microphone modes to choose from: normal, spy and voice operated recording.
The program also has two operating modes, digital and analog. In digital mode a cassette file consists of several recorded messages and each click on Record button creates a new message, while in analog mode a cassette file represents one continual rewritable message.
Other key features include transcription playback mode, export to WAV, MP3, OGG Vorbis or EXE, message editor for making cut-outs, sending as email attachment, changeable skin, Exact Time Positioner (ETP) bar for quick and precise positioning within a message, endless loop playback, mouse wheel support and a selection of keyboard shortcuts with the most important controls available in off-focus mode and accessible while working in other programs.
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Audio Notes Recorder 5.5