Персональным firewall обеспечивает защиту при работе в сети Интернет, а также блокирует всплывающие окна и удаляет spyware. Программа отображает все активные подключения, а также позволяет контролировать каждый передаваемый и принимаемый пакет. С помощью программы можно запретить доступ к определённым сайтам, определить, каким программам можно обращаться к сети, а каким нет. Также программа может просматривать память, системный реестр и жесткие диски компьютера в поисках spyware компонентов, которые вы сможете затем удалить.
Armor2net is a personal firewall with additional popup blocking and spyware detection and removal. It allows you to grant internet access on a per application basis, so that only programs that you are aware of can use your connection. You can view the list of current connections in an easy to understand display and choose to disconnect any of them if needed. Each connection displays the application that is using it, as well as the connected endpoint. Armor2net also provides a Stealth option that will block all access to your machine, however this feature is not compatible with networked computers, since Armor2net does not provide options allow certain connections or IP addresses. The firewall capabilities are basic and the popup killer missed most popups during our test, so it is of little value. The spyware removal feature scans your system for known adware/spyware programs and offers you to remove selected items. It includes a backup feature that allows you to restore the files if you experience any problems. Overall, the program is very easy to use and inexpensive. Worth a try for home users that want to keep an eye on their Internet connection and prevent unauthorized use of malware or spyware programs.
Скачать / Download :
Armor2net Personal Firewall 3.12