Программа предназначена для быстрого и эффективного переноса данных с одного жесткого диска на другой. При этом полностью сохраняется работоспособность установленной на старом диске операционной системы и приложений.
Quickly and easily deploy a new hard disk on your PCS o finally you got your hard disk drive the way you like it. Unfortunately, it's now full and you have to upgrade to a new hard disk. You think you are facing a large re-installation project spanning several days of tedious work. Lucky for you, there is Acronis MigrateEasy 6.0, an award-winning solution that migrates all your computer data, operating systems, programs, documents, address books, mail, settings and preferences in minutes automatically — just the way you had them.
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Acronis MigrateEasy 6.0 +
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