Программа предназначена для хранения любого вида информации. Argentum Coolbase обладает механизмом построения форм и позволяет организовать "на лету" адресную книгу, дневник, проектный организатор или то, что необходимо пользователю именно в текущий момент.
Argentum Coolbase is a unique tree-like database software that can store any kind of information you want to organize, such as text, numbers, links, pictures, music and even binary files. All that information, including binary content, is stored in a tree-structured database. Many unique features make Coolbase stand out from other similar programs. Great design rendered Coolbase great flexibility in handling a vast amount of daily computing tasks. For example, Coolbase can be used as a note taker, a diary keeper, a recipe book, a project organizer, a personal contact list, a link organizer, a photo album, a text editor, and much more!
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Argentum Coolbase v2.50 +
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