Один из самых популярных архиваторов. Помимо ZIP, понимает ARJ и CAB-файлы. Создает самораспаковывающиеся архивы; добавляет пароли и комментарии к архивам и т.д. Оригинальный и очень удобный интерфейс. Хорошо интегрируется с Проводником Windows.
WinZip is the original Zip file utility for Windows--and by far the most popular. It allows you to quickly and easily compress and decompress files, folders, and entire folder trees to save storage space, reduce e-mail transmission time, and efficiently archive documents and more. The program offers a classic (advance) interface, as well as a wizard which will guide new users through the archiving/decompression progress. Features include zip/unzip, one-click Zip and E-mail, Favorite Zip Folders and more. In addition to .ZIP files, WinZip can also decode several popular Internet file formats, including MIME, UUEncode, XXEncode, TAR, BinHex, and others. Additional features include file splitting, password protection and AES encryption for your sensitive documents. WinZip supports the 64-bit extended format eliminates existing restrictions on Zip file size and capacity, and supports enhanced deflate compression for even greater compression of many types of files.
Скачать / Download :
WinZip v9.0 SR-1 +
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